"If you were any happier, it would be raining glitter!"

This is maybe the best compliment I’ve ever received. (And definitely the funnest!) Pause and ask yourself if you could be happier. It’s a challenge to live up to. It’s a call to arms. 

What this world needs now more than ever is for women to rise up to their potential. To take the wheel and steer this thing. (Please let it be a cherry red convertible!) To be courageous enough to declare a destination. And to show the world what’s possible when we navigate our particular highway radiating with the rays of a million lighthouses. 

You have everything you need to shine. 

Let’s crank the voltage.

I'm a Certified Life Coach

How does this benefit you?

Little did I know that I’ve been preparing to be a Life Coach my whole existence. But it was the Certified Professional Coach Program at the University of Wisconsin- Madison that has truly helped me to amplify the raw materials I came in with and transformed them into the foundation of becoming a qualified and competent Life Coach. The program is truly rigorous and life changing.  

I’ve continued to squirrel away coaching skills by being not only part of, but credentialed by the International Coach Federation. I adhere to the highest standards of professionalism and ethics. 

My coaching competencies have been exponentially expanding through the tutelage of the incomparable Dr. Melissa Peet and her cutting edge Generative Coaching methodology.

You want to feel confident that you’ve chosen to hire someone with the training and experience you can put your faith in. I take that confidence and raise it. I’m all in.

I'm a Marathon Runner

How does this benefit you?

When I was standing at the starting line of my very first marathon in Anchorage, Alaska in June of 2005, I didn’t know if I’d be able to finish. There was only one way to find out. Start.

I took it one mile at a time. One foot in front of the other. And when I crossed that finish line, I was a brand new person. A person who had the blueprint for doing impossible things. Until I crossed that finish line, I didn’t realize that I was holding myself back with invisible limitations that I didn’t even know were there. Those limitations were demolished and the only thing I could see was an infinite sky. A fire was lit in my soul. My life’s work would be to destroy limitations and illuminate possibilities.

Now I see your transformation as a marathon.

And there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you will cross that finish line. I believe in you because I already know the outcome.

You were born for this!

I'm an Optimist

How does this benefit you?

I pay attention to the good in people. I recognize potential and possibility. I can see strengths and superpowers.

I will be unrelentingly positive and optimistic on your behalf. You inspire me because you’re willing to bet on yourself. Investing in coaching is a powerful step. And I bet you have cute shoes on, too.

It brings me so much fulfillment to create the space and the structure for you to experience personal transformation. You can count on me for accountability and cheerleading. Together, we’re going to embark on this expedition. 

It’s a heroes journey. Even heroes aren’t perfect. Every part of you will be welcome and loved. The adventure starts now.

You are worth it.

Lisa provides a path to CLARITY and ACTION

One step at a time, Lisa creates accountability and offers perspective to guide you through the shifts in habits and tweaks to routines that lay the foundation for manageable and lasting change. If there is room for improvement in your personal or professional life, Lisa provides a path to clarity and action that feels natural, authentic and attainable.

Kind Words

Fun Facts

Bet you didn’t know

I love to eat popcorn with chopsticks

Maybe one day I’ll become a

Bestselling Author

On my bucket List

Climb Kilimanjaro

Favorite places to visit

TJMaxx, coffee shops, & libraries

Some of my guilty pleasures

Pinot Noir, Mini M&Ms, Oreo Thins

Way to change the world

Be kind

Favorite morning beverage

Coffee with cream

Favorite Surroundings

Friends & family. Palm trees are a close second

Want to feel like if you were any happier it would be raining glitter?